Well, according to the calendar, Spring is finally here. New birth, new things. According to the Word of God, the Word says "Behold I am doing a New thing, Do you not perceive it?"" As we continue on this journey of Lent, may we continue to allow God to do the new work in each one of us.
Let me say thank you to the Nominating Committee and especially to the Rev. Dr.Lisa Williamson for leading our election process at our March meeting. We also want to thank the Rev. Alicia Bailey and the wonderful people of St. John AME Church for hosting us so wonderfully.
We are pleased to announce and to welcome the Rev. Karen Dillon as our new Worship Leader and the Rev. Suzanne Moshett as our Herstoriograper. The Coordinator is the Rev. Jacqueline Lynch-Salem AME Church-Jamaica/Long Island, Ass't Coordinator-the Rev. Paulette Adams-Bright Temple AME Church-Bklyn/Westcher, Worship Leader-the Rev. Karen Dillon-Bethel Tabernacle-Bklyn/Westchester and Herstoriographer-the Rev. Suzanne Moshett-Bethel Copiague-Jamaica Long Island.
We are in need of a Financial Secretry and Tresurer in order for us to have a full slate. We are hoping that someone, especially from the Manhattan District will volunter for these positions. Ladies, we need you. We need you to get involved. This ministy is for ALL of us, therefore, we need to get involved. So please volunteer.
We also want to say thank you to the Rev. Alicia Bailey who has served as our Treasurer/Financial Secretary for several years. The Rev. Addunola Waterman-French who has served as our current past Financial secretary and prior Worship Leader and to the Rev. Edna Parker who served as our Worship leader this past year. She is now serving as the Worship Leader on the District level.
We will be confirming our Annual WIM luncheon during Annual Conference with the next few days as to the date and time of the luncheon.
May God continue to Bless each of you as you Spring into the New things that God has in store for you.
To God be the Glory.
-Rev. Jacqueline Lynch
Coordinator of The NY Annual Conference
Women In Ministry