This is a special request to ALL of our newly ordained sisters and all those who graduated this year. Congratulations!!: The First District WIM Executive Board on following tradition would like to honor you at our meeting on Thursday, June 15th @ 2:31 p.m. We are asking that you make every effort to be present as you will be presented with a Certificate. Also, for those who have graduated this year, please send us and let us know of your achievement. Whether it was your Bachelors, Masters, PhD or D.Min degree. Please send us your name along with what degree you earned this past year. A great part of our meeting will be dedicated to recognizing/congratulating you our sisters on your accomplishment, your ordination and or graduation.
Many of you, we have had conversation of your attendance at these meetings, and we were also reminded by our Bishop of the importance of attending these meetings in Philadelphia. We the NY Conf. AMEWIM are encouraging each and everyone of you to make every effort to be in attendance, not just at our meeting on Thursday, but at all of the events that are planned for the weekend.
Trust me I know it can be expensive, but if we room together, and travel together, then the cost is shared. So if you are in need of a roommate, or would like to room with someone, let us know, we can send out an email with your request. Likewise with the travel arrangements. Just let us know what you are in need of, and we will do our best to share your request to make the connection for you.
Again, please send us your information if you graduated this year, ASAP. this also includes those who were ordained this year.
Thank you
Rev. Jacqueline Lynch
Coordinator of The NY Annual Conference
Women In Ministry