Today, March 5 2014, begins the season of Lent. Lent is a 40-day period in which we ought to draw closer to God. During this season we are encouraged to draw closer to the Lord through Prayer, fasting, reading/studying of the Word, meditation/soaking, just some quiet time, some extra time in the presence of God.
Many of us maybe fasting and others may not be able to for various reasons. If you are fasting, be mindful of your medication regime. Remember that during this season, it is not so much about fasting (not eating), but it is more about our willingness and desire to draw closer to God. Are we willing to pray for others as well as ourselves, are we willing to repent of our sins and ask God to change us and help us to become more like Him? Are we willing to turn off the television/radio, put away the ipads, cell phones (ALL types) etc and spend that time seeking God's face. May we talk less about nothing with each other and talk more with God about everything.
Many of us will be reading various books and devotionals during this season as well. The First District Women in Ministry has put together a wonderful devotional that can also be added to your list of devotionals. Each meditation is written by a Woman in Ministry in this district. Thirteen of the writers of the 40-day meditations were written by Women in Ministry right here in the New York Conference. For those Pastors who received several devotionals at Founder's Day, my prayer is that you were able to sell them to our sisters/brothers to aide in their time of meditation.
For those who are interested in having one of the devotionals, they are $10/each. Please let me know of your interest in getting one. Also take note of the emails that were forwarded to you from our Bishop and Episcopal Supervisor regarding the Lenten Season. Please remember to continue to lift another woman in prayer during this month. Take the time to recognize a woman in your life, letting her know just how much you appreciate her.
Let us celebrate each other.
To God be the Glory!!!!!-
-Rev. Jacqueline Lynch
Coordinator of The NY Annual Conference
Women In Ministry
130 Women Strong AND Growing, as the Lord adds to the fold!!!!