WIM Meeting - May 21, 2015 - RECAP
I thank God for all the women who gathered tonight for our monthly gathering. We also thank God for the Rev. Karen Horry for her hospitality and for feeding us. That red rice was on the money.
I am not sure what was in the rice, the ice tea, the lemonade, water, chicken, green beans or cake.
This is one of the funniest gatherings that we have had in a long time. There was so much laughter and good fun that was held among sisters. Even as we prayed out we continued with a Spirit of excitement.
It was a wonderful meeting. We learned more about each other that we did not know before. We learned that some of us like to roller skate, and love to be daring. Some of us described ourselves as a Peach, another would describe themselves as an Almond Joy, (you know the song, "sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I dont). We learned that our parents named us, but due to lack of spelling on the part of the ones who wrote our birth certificates, our name is odd. Others are happy for the name given to them, because the alternative, well, let's just say a character in the movie "The Color Purple" would have allowed us to be famous :). Some of us have a brother on our father side, and we do not have a middle name, zero. While others of us are grateful that our training is paying off as there is a job waiting for us as soon as our training is over.We learned that some of us are going to be an aunt again and this time it's a girl. We learned so much about each other while we laughed at each other and with each other.
We also knew that we had gathered for a purpose and did what needed to be done as we continue with the business of the AME Church and being a Woman in Ministry in the AME Church. We confirmed who has paid dues and were encouraged to remind a sister to pay their dues. We reviewed our calendar for the year and suggestions were made as to some things that as Women in Ministry we must address and will address during this Conference year.

Thanks again Rev. Horry, Pastor
Mt. Pisgah/Turner Memorial AME Church
Just a reminder, please mark your calendar. Our next meeting will take place on the Brooklyn/Westchester District, the 3rd Thursday of June (June 18th) and it will take place at Madeconia AME Church, Flushing, NY. So mark your calendar and plan to be in attendance. To God be the Glory. -Rev. Jacqueline Lynch Coordinator of The NY Annual Conference Women In Ministry |