The 193rd Session of the NYAC has finally come to an end. What a week. Early mornings and late evenings, but it was worth it all. The entire conference was awesome.
We praise God for all the Preached words that went forth and for the workshop that was done by our Episcopal Supervisor, the Rev. Dr. Jessica Kendall Ingram, "The Purpose of Our Brokenness."
Through the Preached words this week, we learned that "It's a fixed fight," We need the Power," there's a need for "Order in the Church" and when we come to the table of the Lord, we must look back at the cross. We must look on the inside, look outward and look upward, yes, "Revival and Communion" go together.
Well, I believe God knew that some of us needed to be reminded that he is a God of his word, so in case anyone missed what was spoken prior, he continued to minister unto us through his word and telling us "At your Word" (meaning God's word), the encouragement continued and we were preached into deliverance with a dance by the word "Haven't We all been there?" Yes, Lord, we have all been there.
We were reminded of the importance of taking care of that which God has given us, our bodies. So we were reminded as to what to eat or not eat, when is the best time to eat and was reminded that "Our ministry is as healthy as we are."
I believe that we forgot something very important during this Annual Conference. We did not notify ABC News, CBS News, NBC news or CNN. They needed to be present on Friday night as our young people praised God through dance, song, spoken word, puppeteering etc. These young people were awesome. These newscasters needed to see that our children are doing well, they Love the Lord and are walking in their destiny. The house was full of young people and their parents/guardians and those who are willing to work with them. Then on early Saturday morning, the young people were back in Church Praising God and were told to "Read the fine print."
As we wind down to the closing of the Conference, Bishop Young reminded the ordinants and everyone who heard the word, that "We must wear our own clothes." We cannot do ministry being like anyone else but ourselves. Dont try to imitate someone else, use what God has given you.
Then we closed out with "Get out of the way" by our very own Bishop Ingram.
After reflecting on all that was preached and taught during this Annual Conference, we all should be encouraged as we were sent out into the vineyard to do the work of ministry. God has been good to ALL of us.
So my sisters and brothers, to God the be Glory.. We are off to another conference year to use that which God has given us and in spite of the trials and tribulations that may come, my prayer is that we will be reminded of one of the preached word that we heard this week. If you were not present, I pray that someone will share the word with you to encourage you.
Now I ask that we continue to keep our Episcopal leadership in prayer as they continue to lead the next few conferences. Pray their strength as they continue to travel the highways and byways. Pray their strength as they continue to lead and guide us and as they continue to prepare for the upcoming General Conference.
Be blessed and try and get some rest this week.
-Rev. Jacqueline Lynch
Coordinator of The NY Annual Conference
Women In Ministry