Grace and Peace my sisters from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I pray that you all have had some time of rest and relaxation during the summer months. My prayer is that we were able to take at least a day to just rest in the Lord.
Let me again say “thank you” to all who were able to attend our BBQ meeting that took place in July on the Jamaica Long Island District. It was a fun-filled afternoon. As was mentioned at that meeting, we were taking the month of August off and would resume in September. If you are like me, I still cannot believe that we are in the 9th month of the year already. Our children are back in school and the morning hustle and bustle has once again started.
But there is good news, in the midst of the rushing, the hustling in trying to get our children out in the mornings, getting home-works done in the evening, getting dinner on table at a reasonable time and still trying to squeeze in some family time, we need to take some time to be renewed and refreshed. Not to mention the activities of the church which is ongoing. Many are already looking at their church calendars as far as Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday as Advent and Christmas is right around the corner. Well, there is a break in the midst of all of this.
On October 4th 2014, we the New York Conference AME WIM is hosting a Day of Renewal and Refreshing. Our very own Episcopal Supervisor, the Rev. Dr. Jessica Kendall Ingram, will be leading us in a day of Refreshing and Renewal. This day of Renewal and Refreshing is OPEN to EVERYONE. Every believer should attend. This is also open to our friends and families outside of the AME Church. Each and everyone who desires to be there are welcome. We all are in need of Refreshing and Renewal. So come out, invite, and bring someone else with you.
The day will begin with continental breakfast at 8:30 a.m. and lunch will be available. The registration for this awesome day in the Lord is $ 35/person, which includes the breakfast and lunch and all materials. The Rev. Andrea Hargett and the St. Matthew's Community AME Church family has agreed to host us.
We ask that you fill out the registration form email it back to us or mail it in along with your registration fee. Registration will be accepted on site as well, however, if you are planning to attend, please do let us know so that we may plan accordingly for you. It is extremely important that we know of your intentions.
Remember, this is open to everyone. Trustee, Stewards, Missionaries, Lay, Church School teachers, Young Adult, Prayer ministry leaders etc. If you hold a leadership position in the church, you are especially invited to come. This is not just for A.M.E. members, everyone from all denominations are allowed to be in attendance.
To God be the Glory.
-Rev. Jacqueline Lynch