We will be doing a gift exchange of whomever that would like to participate. Gift should be no less than $15 and no more than $25. What ever your choose, please be sure that it is a gift that you would like to receive from someone.
Again, please know and be reminded that the WIM Lenten Journals are here and we are asking that you would purchase at least 1. They make excellent Christmas gifts/stocking stuffers. Journals are $10/each.
Thank you in advance for helping us to sell all 100 journal before Founder's Day. Thank you my sisters and looking forward to seeing many if not all of you at the Advent service this evening at St. John AME Church-Bklyn.,where our sister-friend the Rev. Alicia Bailey is the host pastor. Our Bishop will be the preacher for the evening.
-Rev. Jacqueline Lynch
Coordinator of The NY Annual Conference
Women In Ministry