WIM BBQ will take place on:
Friday July 21st @ 6 p.m.
First Hempstead AME Church,
Rev. Evelyn Miller-Suber-Pastor
399 S. Franklin Ave.
Hempstead, NY 11550
6 p.m.
(FYI- First Hempstead AME Church is actually closer than Salem. For those who are traveling across the bridge)
We need all items for the BBQ ladies. As in the past, it is a time of fellowship, and fun. Our menu is:
Meats- chicken, ribs
burgers- turkey, vegetable, ground beef
hot dogs (All kinds- beef, turkey etc)
Buns- hamburger rolls, hot dog rolls
Fruit- All kinds-watermelon, cantaloupes, grapes etc.
drinks- sodas, water, drinks for children
paper goods- plates, utensils, paper towels, napkins
condiments- mustard, ketchup, relish, onions for hot dog,
Salads- toss, macaroni, potato
Corn on the cob
If something is missing from the menu that you would like to add please do and bring it along.
Please let us know what you are planning to bring. If you respond soon, we will be able to get a good idea as to what we will need to do. This is good time, so please respond and let us know as to what you are planning to bring or to drop off. ,
Please know and remember that this BBQ is not just for WIM, you may bring your children, spouse, niece, nephew etc. It's a family affair. We will have a large yard to use to please come out. Bring cards, and any other items you would like to have in order to have a good time in the Lord.
Reminder: Please keep our Bishop in your prayers.
-Rev. Jacqueline Lynch
Coordinator of The NY Annual Conference
Women In Ministry